Whatever you experience during or just after reading this Note is just a fleeting thing among the total content of your experiences.  Just as you cannot describe the totality of your experiencing of everything you experience, you will find yourself unable to describe your actual experience of reading this Note.  Be absolutely clear about this before you confront the next Note.  You do not really know what you are experiencing here.  Reading this Note is a mysterious experience.  Try to see how you most deeply feel about this challenging fact!


Is your experience of being asked this Question exactly the same as your experience of reading the last Note?  If not, what is the difference you perceive in yourself?  If it is exactly the same, and since both these experiences are fundamentally mysterious, on what basis do you believe in their sameness?  Do not go to the next Note without asking yourself the right question about all this!


You are here reading this Note in order to learn better how your conscious experiencing actually works.  Do not go on to the next Note until you absolutely agree that you are here to learn.  What is the point of any unusual challenge or provocation if you cannot learn from it?


What are you learning from your actual experience of being asked this Question?


Think of the kind of experience you tend to get from reading Notes and compare it to the kind of experience you get from having an interesting discussion with someone interesting.  What do you see as the basic difference of these two kinds of experiencing for you?  Be as clear as possible about this before you dive into the depths of the next Note.


This statement will have to remain the superficial and fleeting surface of what this Note is really about.  Do you see the internal wall your consciousness is up against when such a thing is pointed out to you?


Would you like this Note to provide you with another experience than the one you are now having here?  What would that other desirable experience actually be?  On the other hand, if you want to stick with your present experiencing of this Note, can you say why?


Try to make your very best judgment or evaluation of Notes in general.  Once you have done that, ask yourself what you really experienced personally in making such a judgment or evaluation. Do this before you try to understand what is happening to you in the next Note.


Notes are a totally new idiom and cognitive challenge for human beings, so there cannot yet be rankings such as who writes the best, wisest, most valuable or most interesting Notes.  All that secondary social judgment will come later.  In the meantime, you can have experiences of primordial Notes.  In fact we should ask: Are you experiencing the primordial quality of these Notes? What do you see as the Uniqueness Driver of Notes?


This Note is different than all the others.  In what dimension or faculty of your consciousness do you experience this the most? Try to get focused on your zone of experiential reading.  Just a slight glimpse will give you an amazing new insight.


If this (or any) Note causes a particularly pleasant or unpleasant experience of reading it, you will inevitably have some reaction about it.  Now, think of some reactions you typically tend to have about Notes so far and see if it might be possible to suspend such reactions (whether good or bad) in favor of learning.  There may be more to both Life and Notes than being an emotional egomaniac, if you are one who is ready to see this.


This Note and your experience of reading it are not objectively one and the same.   Other readers of this Note are having other experiences of reading it, perhaps even at this very moment of your thing you are doing with it.  So now you need to ask yourself what your experience (and real reaction) is to the fact-of-otherness?  Can you see, for instance, how ridiculous it would be to feel either superior or inferior or equal to unknown readers?  Only an emotional egomaniac would be that insane.


Have you ever in your life actually read anything or talked with another about anything without being an emotional egomaniac ready to react over certain words or ideas that turn you on or off?  What is your deepest experience of confronting this Question?


Let us assume for a moment that you are not an emotional egomaniac, but a wise, mature and thoughtful reader having a very acutely poignant but mysterious experience of reading this Note and learning something valuable here and now that you find somewhat surprising and promising.


There has never been a reader quite like you here and there never will be again.  What is your deepest experience of this Fact?


Before you decide you are a Great Being who is going to make the ultimate evaluation of Notes and put all this “in its place” when you speak to others about it, keep in mind that there are at least thousands of Ultraterrestrial and Extraterrestrial other readers who are superior to you, yet consider that they need to keep learning here for awhile.


Before you decide you are too dull, incapable and confused to make any real progress through reading and experiencing Notes, keep in mind that there are billions of other people who will never have the intelligence it takes to be even curious about Notes.  The more you are simply finding yourself curious about what Notes really are and where they are going, the more you will overcome your dullness, incapability and confusion.  No learner begins as a perfect and brilliant learner or learning as such would not be necessary.











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