Year Four

Are you ready to be crystal clear about Notes?  In fact, you might want to try crystal clarity about everything.  Then, if that works out, you could go for the big one and be crystal clear about yourself.  Would you like that?


What is the real reason you are considering this Question?


After you imagine you have had enough of this Note, stop and think about what pushes you into that state so easily.


Why don’t you seriously consider giving up on Notes for once and for all?  Where has it really been getting you?  Surely there is something more effective you could do for your learning process.


Try waking up to something more powerful in your inner mind than this pathetic suggestion.


Years of Notes have reached a surprising total meaning.  What do you suppose that meaning might be?


Not all the visitors to Notes are shallow idiots or temporary, self-styled critics.  What kind are you?  Do you really know?  Do you really want to know?  Are you going to keep resisting the real truth of yourself?  How can you stand it that you continue to maintain self-deception about all this?  Maybe you should just judge yourself to be a “shallow idiot” type of Notes-reader.  But what really happens inside you when you have to see yourself like that?  Does it make you suddenly Deep and Wise?  If you carefully observe your shallow idiocy, you might suddenly see something rather strange and interesting, if you dare to look at it, but it goes beyond Notes without having to give up what is actually useful in Notes.









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