Year Four

Since learning is not a normal cognitive mode of prevailing society, which includes virtually all your relatives and associates, you will have to face it fully that Notes are forbidden mental territory that are bound to maladjust you as your intelligence slowly or quickly awakens.  In fact, you may have begun to notice this if you have been reading most of the previous Note Sessions.  So, before you go on to the next Note, ask yourself, “Can I afford to keep extending my desocialization through reading Notes?” and honestly answer it to yourself with fuller awareness of your social disintegration.


Now, do not become discouraged by the slow pace of activation of your Learning Process.  Just pause for a moment and recognize it before you proceed into your coming experience of the next forbidden Note.


Escape now completely from bog standard so-called “sanity” and plunge into some form of intensely creative Cosmic Madness bordering on a Lovecraftian Seizure.  Enjoy it to the point that you are in no hurry to leave it for a mere Note ahead.


Picture yourself lying naked in a deep cavern filled with cobras that writhe and slither all over your body but do not bite you because they have accepted you somehow as a fellow cobra.  Do not go on to the next Note until you feel this Note has done something real for you.


Now picture that your astral dream-body is riding on a comet through the Solar System when suddenly the comet actually speaks to you and tells you a mind-blowing new fact about humanity.  What is it the comet tells you?  Use your awakening intuition.


This is this, which is the end of this Note Session.











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