Take Note of Something Different
Year Four

There is a new aspect of more Zen that does not limit your awakening of higher intelligence to Buddhism, a particular Far Eastern culture or being a lonely monk or nun without a Taoistically satisfying sex-partner for mutual inner Cosmic Consciousness of the real kind.  So think now about the real kind and do not stay stuck in your usual pattern of restless stupidity which the Mexican New Seers call your Fixated Assemblage Point of Consciousness.

You do not have to physically die and float off in the painful disappointing after-life states to discover your spiritual selfhood beyond your present material bodily form and material possessions.  This transcendental spiritual selfhood includes your energy double of your magical movement in the Unknown possibilities of this Wei Wu Wei like noumenal Note beyond the non-existent separation of your phenomenal “me” and phenomenal “surrounding objects”.

If you want to do something new and fantastic about Notes that you have never done before, find a way to be happier and freer than Osho Rajneesh ever was even in his most inspired and perceptive teachings he gave out without any need on your part to reject any useful teaching of his or anyone.  Can you actually do it now for real?  Answer this totally in your being before the next Note.  And do not forget the Time Slips like in the Philadelphia Experiment or anywhere else.  Get more realistic about Time-shifting.  Really join the Notes Author as a time-spanner, Kal Bhairav.  Give yourself a real chance outside your present assumed Space and Time coordinates and assumptions.  What I do in your world is not functioning within your assumptions.  Really learn this before the next Note.

This was the next Note in the past, but this is now a weirder Here and Now than you know.  Get a fresh awakening of all this.  Do it now. O.K.?  Don’t forget, Notes might leave and not come back.  Beware of your humdrum usual perceptions and activities that want to come right back all over yet again.