Take Note of Something Different
Year Four

You know, you would get a lot more out of Notes if your personal energy field were enhanced by the practice of Chinese Qi Gong and Mexican Magical Passes.  Otherwise the whole thing tends to stagnate in your self-isolating contemporary brain.  So take a hint and start your practices of Qi Gong and Tensegrity at least.  After that you could teach yourself Shamanistic Voidwalking in the desert or open space somewhere in remote nature or, if you’re really eager, you could fuck around with the Energetic Unknown in a shopping mall or an open market situation in a Balkan country.  You could even boost your Energy walking on a beach, if that would appeal to you.  The main idea is that you kill your usual dead reading approach where you have to stare into space and be abducted mentally because of stupidity.  So, sharpen your intelligence and take an Energy Enhancement Hint.  Do not choose to remain dead and normal.

This Note indicates that your dead participation in this Note Session is spluttering to a dubious end already and nothing you say or do at this time will bring it to life for you.  Can’t you see that your entire attitude toward Notes really sucks?  Try to face it and take some persistent steps to make some personal corrections.  Try taking this Note Session fucking personally.  Take it that all this was especially for you!