Take Note of Something Different
Year Four

I have traveled all over the World watching people waste their lives in silly normal things as if they know what they are doing.  Wasted lives; wasted people.  Believers in sheer crap.  Ignorant puppets of Society and Government.  Insane victims of the Controlling Insanities.  But you can be different; you can awaken yourself and live the Real Life of a Real Individual.  You can begin anew right here and now in this very Note.  But will you?

You need more than physical purifications and extensive spiritual studies; more than mantras with your breathing.  You need direct Self-awakenings.  That is why we have a thing called Notes here.  Try to truly grasp your Notes Opportunity with greater vigor of consciousness.  This is not a mere Krishnamurti Lecture like the old days in Saanen or Ojai.

You are now arriving in the Energy of this Note.  Feel it, let it really happen to you.  Do you understand?  Have you got forever to get what all this is really about?  Now go to the next Note.  This Note is done with you and your silly shit about it.

The Infinite Guiding Spirit, the Cosmic Supergod beyond the world’s religions and cultures, wants you to stop wasting your life and start having some real higher awakenings.  Do you understand this?  Your True Self-nature is under Existential Pressure from Notes for a better reason than you have known so far.  Try to see this and learn to stand up in your inner consciousness beyond mechanical, unreal humanity.  All the blue chips are in the pot for you in all this.  It is make or break for you in your present body and mind.  The whole of humanity is running out of tomorrows.