Take Note of Something Different
Year Four

You do not have to have a cognitive breakthrough about this Note or anything else!  The whole idea of this little Note is to give you some welcome relief from any residual Ontological Pressure.  Just relax and be your everyday physical self with whatever personal habits or considerings you feel are worthwhile for you at this stage of your extravagant journey through life.  Whatever you do in the light of your inevitable death is bound to work out O.K. for you.  Obviously you can afford to take the time to read Note Sessions.

It is my pleasure to provide this Note for any reader who wants to wake-up to a new and better reason for reading it.

This Note is challenging you to develop a deeper Existential Question about your Being as a Notes-Reader.  Do you see why you need this challenge at this time?

Since Notes happen in Inner Space, would you care to investigate what that really means?  Hopefully you don’t stupidly imagine that means, “inside your head”.  Try to look into real Inner Space.  Really try.  Don’t just have an idea or notion about it.  Inner Space is vast and wondrous.  It is not just some “spiritual” thing for the New Age assholes who jerk off on each other in Web Forums.  It’s real for Real Individuals who have a real awakening Inner Awareness or Spirit.  It’s for those who know that Notes are just for getting started.  Surely you agree that you should not let yourself stupidly rot in a dull state of confusion about Inner Space.  Right?  Please tell me you aren’t turning Inner Space to shit like a typical New Ager or false Zen Student.  Please tell me you aren’t just another fucking “meditator”(!)  Nobody will live long enough for that to do anything.