Take Note of Something Different
Year Four

This Note is definitely not here for the reason you most strongly believe.  Will you now squarely face this challenge and try to see the real reason for this Note?

Try for a moment working on waking up as a Spirit or Self-nature beyond any phenomenological consciousness of Space, Time or Causality.  Then decide that you are unable to have any such immediate Zen type of Self-awakening because you are clinging to somebody or something in the everyday familiar world of sensory Time and Space, which you believe is real.  In fact, decide now, for once and for all, to not allow any heavy Ontological Issues to threaten sex, food or the watching of movies on television.  You don’t mind, of course, if Ontological Issues destroy the flu or eliminate unpleasant work or dissolve difficult people you don’t like.

We better stop here for today.