What To Do When
The Usual Answers Don’t Work
By Rud Wheeler

There are times when the stubborn stupidity of humanity and the all-abusive increasing evil of the political leaders throw any intelligent and ethical human being into a state of deep anger, depression and a sense of helplessness.  It can at times be a mental torture to simply be incarnated and alive as a physical human being during such a planetary crisis of mass madness, irresponsibility, corruption, lying, incompetence and cognitive dissonance.  One sometimes reads a revelation in the alternative media on the Internet of some ugly and destructive plan being carried out by the New World Order behind-the-scenes manipulators and one wants to scream, knowing the stupid masses will not wake up to what is really going on.  The whole set-up is growing ever more menacing in its efforts to increasingly exert dehumanizing control over every individual on Earth.


One looks for an Answer, somewhere, anywhere, that might give some relief and peace of mind, but nothing works.  One’s favorite philosophy or spiritual books seem to lack something in the face of the growing pressure of a threatening world on one’s own life and situation.  The blatantly obvious acts of pseudo-Islamic “terrorism” performed by Western governments on their own people to justify police state controls and elimination of privacy and personal freedom are enough by themselves to plunge one into angry anxiety and depression.  The rotten bastards just keep on coming with their lies and maneuvers to squeeze everyone to death as helpless slaves of Big Government and the Big Companies.


Now, will you fully admit to yourself that the usual answers don’t work?  This is the first thing, the primary thing, which is to be done about all this.  You are no longer clinging to this or that Answer or Teaching, nor are you desperately seeking an Answer or Teaching you hope will give you faith, security, hope or peace of mind.  You now make the decision to meet the whole truth of human life on Earth head-on without intellectual or emotional anesthesia.


The magic moment in all this comes when you decide to fearlessly face the whole picture of the world without belief or disbelief, without hope or fear.  You decide to give up your usual cognitive or psychological position and you do not try to replace these with others of the same basic level.  You let go of your usual struggle and tension of your mind and body about the difficulties and threats of being a living human being on the horribly stupid and vicious planet Earth.


You do not need an Answer.  What you need is a new position of your consciousness.  Paradoxically, any teacher or teaching that points this out to you is The Teacher, The Teaching, The Answer.  So be very, very alert to the central, the highest and best transmissions on Earth about changing your inner position of consciousness.  And, even more importantly, actually shift your position of consciousness to a level of Awareness beyond your usual reactions and anxieties over humanity and the world situation.


Rise above it all.  Refuse to stay on the level of your relatives, your neighbors, surrounding society, the mass media and the lying government.  Refuse to be just another angry, depressed, anxious and helpless automaton of mediocrity.  Mass dehumanization, debilitation, destruction and death cannot touch you when you are in the right higher place in yourself.


Your usual answers do not work.  In fact, your usual habits, escapes and routines do not work.  The place you need to be in yourself is not habitual, not routine, not an escape or way to keep busy.  It is not a drug trip.  Nor is it settling down with your latest book.  Nor is it through putting yourself through a vigorous adventure outdoors.  It is not in watching a new movie.  It is not through heavy sex with somebody new.  It is not even in your usual mantra repetition, breathing technique or method of deliberate “meditation”.  Sometimes the world distresses you to the point that even your best Yoga is not working, which means you have to face it and go to a higher place of your consciousness where Yoga itself is seen and practiced in a new light.  The non-habitual, the non-routine, is Great Yoga, is the Great Inner Position, the Great Ending of all blindly driven slavery or struggle.


Learn to say “No!” to humanity and its evil leaders.  Go up to that place in your real inner being where you can refuse the whole ugly package of spiritually dead and false life.


There is an indestructible Awareness in us all that we all have a perfect right to center ourselves in by changing the position of our consciousness.