New Cosmic Issues Part One

Our Galaxy is immense. The affairs, both historically and presently, that predominate on our planet are not the central issue of the Galaxy and certainly not of the entire Universe. When you look at the stars you are seeing only a tiny little section of what's out there.

Originally, the planet Earth was designed to be the home of an evolved Reptilian species. Our Human species apparently came to this Earth from the Andromeda Galaxy. To this very day there is local conflict between the Reptilian orders of life and those from Andromeda. I myself have lived many lives on the planet Earth and it is my nature to make peace between warring parties.

The Americans, the Russians and the Chinese are trying to play God, but their day in the Sun is wholly fleeting.

Another joke that prevails on our planet at this time is that the world will end in 2012 A.D. This is not true. There will be some huge changes that are accelerating even as we speak. But sooner or later things will settle down again.

If you will look carefully at the Whitley Strieber book “Breakthrough”, he himself had a very interesting experience on the border between New York and New Jersey. If you will read this account, he seemed to go through a time-warp between now and a new situation in New York, where contemporary humanity has been replaced by Reptilians. This is particularly important if you read the Lacerta information from Southern Sweden. Lacerta is real!

Two of my favorite films are “The International” and “State of Play”. These movies are themselves partially propaganda and partially genuine revelations of current events. Be sure to watch these two films if you want to speak intelligently to me about politics.

Spiritually, the true center of the world is India, Pakistan and Tibet. There is also a secondary center in South America and the region of Peru.

What the American Government is doing with HAARP in Alaska is incredibly evil. Also evil are things the Americans are doing on the Moon and the planet Mars. That all these things are kept secret is true only for the masses. Here in my cottage where I live in Northern Sweden, I have a huge painting of Padma Sambhava plus another array featuring old Taoist Immortals. Along with these, I have portraits of Shiva, Shakti and various Aliens. Just to see these portraits is an education in itself.

Another interesting point is the division between England and Scotland. The English and the New World Order will never be allowed to control Scotland. I myself have Scottish ancestral roots, so I know all this in my very bones.

How do you feel when you get a glimpse of the Sun? Do you know that the Sun is alive and Superconscious? Have you ever had an experience of this?

Sooner or later I will acquire the Power to stop the killing of wild animals, even of birds.

There is no doubt that the planet Earth has become extremely poisonous. All races in the Galaxy who go through the self-poisoning process either clean up their act or disappear. So all teachings about this are not limited to Mankind of this planet. Have you noticed how many movies there are about sudden collapse of the environment on Earth? These movies are not mere movies, but actual warnings. The military-industrial-entertainment complex is in a state of defiance against the Divine. Because of this everyone now living will experience some interesting global events.