A Peculiar Exposure of
Merilyn Tunneshende
by The Inheritor

In a recent book of Merilyn Tunneshende, she reports how she traveled in Mexico with Carlos Castaneda and how one night he asked her to do lucid dreaming with him to ostensibly “help him” with something, when actually I can see that he had taken a spontaneous Nagual Decision to help her with something.  He could see that she could go through the First Gate of Dreaming very well, which is ordinary Bob Monroe out-of-the-body-lucid-dreaming or what some call “astral traveling”, but that she was obviously lacking both understanding and direct perception of the Realm of the Inorganic Beings on the other side of the Second Gate of Dreaming.  So, what happened is that he pulled her dreaming body through the Second Gate of Dreaming.  But her perception of the Inorganic Realm was crude, dull and unaware.  She kept turning that realm back into an ordinary dream that she was “dreaming” of being “deep underwater in an ocean and examining an endlessly variegated labyrinth of coral formations” (loosely quoted).  He was taking her through Inorganic Space, which is experienced as more solid, like liquid, to the ordinary Human Mind rather than like air or empty space.  That is why the Shamans of most tribes from very ancient times have always described entry into the Realm of Inorganics as an “Underworld” and most often as an “Underwater World” with entrances near the sea or a big lake.


As they went along “under the ocean, examining lots of coral”, he was actually taking her through the tunnel-system of the Inorganics (Djinns, Allies, Involutionary Beings), to whom she was oblivious.  Afterward, he gave her the plausible explanation that he feared being trapped in that Realm after physical death and wanted her to promise that she would come find him and set him free into the ordinary after-life of human lucid dreaming, as it were.  He even flattered her that she was a “champion” lucid dreamer.  What he was really doing was obviously trying to help her to go through the Second Gate of Dreaming by giving her a purpose to develop in the next natural stage of her trip.  But she did not understand what it was really about.  Because of her pride, her feeling of being superior to Carlos through being in a seemingly privileged and advanced relationship with Don Juan Matus and Doña Soledad, she could not get what was really going on.  Her teachers had obviously encouraged her to travel with Carlos so that she could have a good Benefactor who could help her take a directly experiential next step in her development.


In her books, Tunneshende has lots of interesting occult, subtle experiences pertaining to her beginner’s level and got a lot of hot air blown up her ass, but she has no depth or grasp of advanced stages of Dreaming, seems to know virtually nothing of Stalking, Intent and the difference of Tonal (Social Self) and Nagual (Spirit Self).  Instead, she likes to imagine that she is a superior transmitter of Nagual Shamanism compared to Carlos Castaneda himself.  She loves to gather New Age “volunteers” around her in her self-centered cult, which is typical of so many like her.  There is no Nagual Party of members selected by the Spirit-of-Power as with the New Seers lineage.  She senses intuitively that there is a hidden connection of Mexican Nagualsim and Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism, but she cannot grasp The Death Defier connection with Guru Rimpoche Padma Sambhava.  She is so busy vaingloriously “helping and healing”, that she, like so many other New Age Cult Leaders, just buries the real issues of human Liberation and Development deeper.  Her vanity prevents her from doing real thinking about all this, which keeps her causal body or Third Attention all too inert, frozen in a New Age runaway Tonal or Social Self aggrandizement.  Some of her reported experiences are of some value for those who can see, but most of her emotionally self-important interpretations or her experiences and occult relationships are superficial and somewhat misleading.  It is doubtful that she would allow anyone to awaken her on the causal level of the Abstract.


When famous social excitement authors like Amy Wallace and Merilyn Tunneshende, who were personally intimate in some way with Carlos Castaneda, and obviously seeking and getting a big outwardly social importance as a payoff, they stimulate Tonal Developments in the seekers-of-the-miraculous rather than Nagual Awakenings or Spirit Connectivity.  Such Castaneda gossipers can give us some fascinating information in spite of themselves, but nothing of real substance.  For that, the awakening Spirit must look in places and directions other than where the socially excited like to gossip, flock and be titillated due to their “seeking of higher development”.  We cannot help hyper-ventilated Tonals like Amy Wallace and Merilyn Tunneshende, but we can at least prevent ourselves from falling into similar traps by listening to the Spirit rather than the social realms that swarm futilely around Carlos Castaneda and so many other spiritual influencers of the Twentieth Century.


There are vast numbers of would-be belongers or “volunteers” who often join one of the endless cults of all this and there are the statistically inconsequential scattered individuals who are should-be trainees of some branch of all this somewhere who can be connected by some apparent “accident” arranged by Power where the alertness of a living Nagual is everything, as when Nagual Elias found the dying Don Julian or Nagual Julian found the dying Don Juan.  The ending of Nagual Juan Matus’s lineage with Carlos Castaneda is not the end of the Principle of Lineage.


We cannot go to a higher step if we seek to attract superficial, gullible seekers to a lower step we have taken somehow.  All sorts of people roam the Web-forums like predators.  They endlessly try to impress volunteers to come and get “expert counsel, advice and guidance”.  This social attraction and repulsion game dominates the minds of seekers-of-the-miraculous and the false-purveyors-of-the- miraculous in the present Time-condition on the planet.  Sociological behavior utterly dominates any potential for Nagual-connections.  Until you truly get past all that, your potential is being inexorably wasted.  And what is the use of merely blindly labeling everyone and everything as false if you cannot yet see the rare-but-real?