Absolute Interactive
The Spiritual Truth of Spiritual Truth
by Kevalin Absoluto

Do not be in a hurry to reach a final judgment or conclusion about this particular article.  What is expressed by an open cosmic awareness cannot be received by a closed Earthbound mind.  The material brain is not the spiritual consciousness.  Matter cannot comprehend Spiritual Truth.  Only the Spirit of Truth can hear the Truth of the Spirit.  Each being understands on the level of resonance on which the consciousness is centered.  If you are centered primarily in the tension, anxiety, ambition and argumentation of your material brain, there can be no genuine experiential cognition of the things, entities and dimensions of the Spirit.  Even if you have a kind of spiritual urge or aspiration, you will make serious errors in judgment which will obstruct and delay your spiritual development.  This is why you must suspend your judgment here about this particular teacher and his teaching.  Your argumentative brain of doubts and disbeliefs is not the right corrective of your gullible emotional mind with its mystical hopes and beliefs.


You are here right now to learn how Spiritual Truth actually works, how it is discovered again and again on ever higher and wider levels of itself in an awakening cosmic consciousness.  You are here to awaken a greater understanding of how your higher learning process can and must proceed.  This means, among other things, that you will learn to feel and intuitively perceive certain principles beyond both material intellect and mental emotion.  You will thus become rather silent in both brain and mind.  And it is in this silence that you will hear the Language of the Heart, which is the place within your inner consciousness where Spiritual Truth hears Spiritual Truth and deeply responds to Spiritual Truth.


The dialogue of Spiritual Truth with other Spiritual Truth is a thing of great beauty and depth.  It cannot be contacted or manipulated by the feverish outer brain-selves with their desperate, frustrated opinions, confrontations and efforts to seize spiritual authority over spiritual authority, dominance of a well-read brain over another well-read brain.  Brain-centered conflicts over Spiritual Truth take place outside Spiritual Truth.  They are things of the physically social world of beings who believe they are bodies, but with a veneer of “Spirituality”.  Physically social arguments of bodily brains about things of the Spirit imply that the Spirit is asleep in such people, drugged by the hypnotic tension of who can impress or dominate who.


Spiritual Truth is beyond J Krishnamurti, beyond Chögyam Trungpa, beyond Idries Shah, beyond Pir Vilyat Khan; beyond your favorite Zen Roshi from Japan; beyond Carlos Castaneda, Juan Matus and Merlina Tunneshende; beyond Yogananda, Muktananda and Swami Rama.  Whoever or whatever has impressed you the most so far, Spiritual Truth is beyond.  Spiritual Truth is not some particular ego-winner in the endless battle for spiritual authority.  Spiritual Truth is not a final dogma with adherents who guard and protect it against all heretics, foreigners and outsiders.  Spiritual Truth is not a personality cult.  Spiritual Truth is the communion of all souls awake within it, which means it is an open-ended unfolding pattern of itself beyond traditional or modern vested interests.  The Theosophists cannot designate it as their selected “vehicle of the World Teacher”; the Sufis cannot gather in Turkey and elect it as their chosen King; the Tibetans cannot find it as a recognized incarnation of a former Tibetan Buddhist master practitioner of their quaint little trips; no venerable old Siddhayogi can appoint it as some disciple of his he wants to get recognized as the Kalki Avatar.  Spiritual Truth is not under the control of the outer spiritual authorities and their traditional lineages.  Spiritual Truth is not Mother Meera or Da Free John or Shree Gajanan or any other self-appointed famous figure.  Nor is Spiritual Truth imprisoned within a “revealed scripture” such as the Bhagavad-Gita, the Bible, the Koran, the Book of Mormon or the Book of Urantia.  It is not this or that “channeled teaching”.


Spiritual Truth does not create an outer social identification.  It is not a religion, sect or cult; nor is it Sociology, Neurocognitive Postmodernism or Western Philosophy of the Europeans or Ancient Greeks.  No collective society or association of material brains or emotional minds in agreement with one another can capture and control Spiritual Truth or serve its real interests.


No group of Extraterrestrials from some culture in outer space is going to come and bring Spiritual Truth.  Some of them may be a little closer to it than others, but it can never have a specific cultural owner-group however advanced the culture.  Spiritual Truth is so cosmic, so vast, that it is wild and free.  It is closer to Ontological Anarchy than to the Secret Occult Monarchy.  In fact, the true Secret Occult Monarch is an Ontological Anarch.


If you have been listening very deeply and openly to all this, then you are experiencing that we are meditating together, telepathically communing, within Spiritual Truth as an unlimited pattern of Divine Cosmic Light.  You know that Spiritual Truth is alive and evolving through all the awarenesses that are participating in it.  You know that it is the All-Guiding Spirit-Of-Truth, the Guru God, the Sadguru Parabrahm.  He talks to Himself in us as Spiritual Truth.  So all this is utterly beyond the comprehension of the selfish and socially ambitious causal egos operating in the conditioned material brains.  All they can do is spit at all this in jealousy and frustration, for they feel the threat to their carefully accumulated outer spiritual authority.  What they cannot ignore or cause-to-be-ignored, they shout insults at and marshal authoritarian arguments.  But no wretched outer spiritual authority, no so-called “Avatar”, can stop the inevitable emergence of greater and brighter Spiritual Truth.  The outer sociological fragmentation of spiritual authorities, cultures and cults, is the maze of the Minotaur.  To get past the Minotaur and enter into the secret chamber of Spiritual Truth is an ultimate game you can win with a prize of Divine Immortality, but nothing less than a genuine Cosmic Perspective will do this for you.  Are you up to all this with real initiative?  Will you dance on the back of the Minotaur or be crushed underfoot, cramped into a dark corner of futile Earthbound belief?


©2004 Kevalin Absoluto