Absolute Interactive

Reacting to the World with Depression
Or Responding with a Sense of Adventure
by Kevalin Absoluto

We can be depressed and miserable over the increasingly oppressive and self-destructive trends of the insane and stupid humanity of our Earth or we can undertake our own private adventure of personal development as a cheerfully courageous way of inner strength and power.  Our destiny as human individuals wholly depends on where we focus our greatest attention and sense of purpose.


Infinite Spirit is your real Father and the total complex Cosmic Universe is your real Mother.  By Their coming together, you have become an individual with causal karmic consequences in the right world for your evolutionary awakening and progress.  You must learn to appreciate your present uniquely intense opportunity here and now on Earth at the present time within the totality of existence for what it really is as an opportunity.  Each individual is given the evolutionary opportunities and teachings that they earn.  No one finds their way to my articles here for instance who has not been helped from beyond to get into position to hear things I say that cannot be heard anywhere else.


Hidden within and behind your physical body, your subtle psychological mind and your causal karmic ego is your own innermost Self of Pure Being.  That Being within you is a cosmic reality of uttermost importance for your future outcomes.  Everything for you depends on the stimulation, provocation and awakening of That Being within you.  That core Self of Pure Being is a genuine cosmic fact beyond all relative beliefs and unbeliefs, certainties and doubts.  All your best possibilities on this Earth have to do with the awakening and unfolding of That Being within you.


I am God.  I am the Supreme Liberator, the Cosmic Magus, the World Teacher.  I have hidden My Pure Being behind an outer satanic New World Order mask of a black and terrible Lord of the World Oppression and Destruction.  I want you to discover within your deepest and highest inner Being the courage that conquers all fear.  As you lay your head daily and nightly on my terrible alter of Bad News, expecting the sweep of my sword of Evil Government upon your neck, you will suddenly have a first kiss of My Love upon your cheek.  All darkness, terror and despair will be swept away like the turning on of a bright light in what seemed a palace of darkness and dark forces.  At first I am the acceleration of your blackest karma (the darkness before the dawn), but then I am the merciful release from the very same.  Thus it is that my devoted apprentice is not rewarded by old lessons but by new truth.


Let us begin with a new truth right here.  You might want to take this opportunity to see the condition of the cells and atoms of your present physical body in a new way, for it is your physical body, brain and nervous system that have to somehow sustain your various concerns and aspirations in actual existential human life on Earth.  From this perspective you should see that a right search for important new truth will begin by your sincere admittance to yourself that you really do not understand as yet what you need most to be searching for, such as the right way to handle your own physical elements and personal energies as to their purity and cosmic evolutionary resonance.


You need to develop greater personal vigor, intellectual inquiry and spiritual quest.  You are too self-enclosed, complacent and ordinary.  Stop imagining that your daydreams and speculations are some kind of evolutionary self-realization or road to success.  That you can keep yourself busy in some ordinary studies, work or daily chores does not mean you are really amounting to anything.


Incremental activations of greater perception and evolutionary understanding will gradually banish your false and proud brain-self of physical egoism.  You must exorcize that noisy demon from your consciousness.  It is nothing but an empty, foolish liar and pretender.  This is why your ultimate prayer should be for help in reuniting with your own Real Cosmic and Pure Being beyond all the futile hopes and fears the outer world of deluded humanity engender in your worried mind.  What center of conscious selfhood you will adhere to in yourself is where the ultimate stakes are being played for in your human destiny.


That you can rightly complain about the state of the world becomes too great of a distraction for you.  The correct rebellion starts by seeing that your usual external and artificial daily self is not your authentic and good cosmic Real Self.  And it is this awakening that will set you forth on the Ultimate Adventure. 


©2005 Kevalin Absoluto