Absolute Interactive
Your Possible Higher Learning Process
by Kevalin Absoluto

I know you believe you already have a “higher learning process”.  Yet here you are, sneaking a look at this particular article “just in case it has something”.  You know how you think.  In fact, the higher part of you that is capable of higher learning has to often painfully observe your habitual self-deceptions about your possible Higher Learning Process.  Shall we proceed?


Higher learning is possible for you, yet it cannot actually begin for real when you continue to imagine you are already learning and developing in some big important way or that you are already qualified to help, advise, teach or guide others on the path of Higher Learning and Awareness.  So we are talking now in simple language about your need to begin to make an authentic beginning.  Shall we proceed?


O.K. Are you willing to face it that you are not ready for Rajyog Samadhis of various kinds?  Can you face it that you would not be able to truly understand a real discussion of Rajyog Samadhis or a truly Yogic commentary on the Rajyog Sutras of Patanjali?  Do you see that some rather basic and modest changes have to happen to your consciousness, (your chitta) first?  Shall we proceed?


You should try to admit some important areas of spiritual know-how and knowledge that you have been neglecting while you have been confusing yourself with more glorious areas where you are useless.  The areas in question might be Sufi Teaching Stories, Zen Koans or any number of things for beginners which you have set aside as “not advanced enough” for one of your self-confirmed “great experiences” or “spiritual wisdom”.  Are you looking at the kinds of material where you feel superior and dismissive?  Are you looking at the kind of things for beginners where you believe you have gone beyond, thus allowing you to have some form of spiritual evolutionary dogmatism or prejudice?  Shall we proceed?


Your spiritual knowledge is incomplete and fragmentary.  Your spiritual experiences are mere introductory glimpses of possible fields of further systematic development.  Your spiritual powers are either non-existent or sporadic, uncontrollable accidents you do not understand, but which make you try to sometimes pretend things about yourself to try and build up your social self-importance.  Are you beginning to take a hard look at yourself in the mirror?  Shall we proceed?


You still have to learn how to learn Higher Learning, Awareness and Development.  Are you fully, truly and deeply admitting this to yourself?  Shall we proceed?


What is Yoga?  What is Zen?  What is the Sufi Way?  What is Nagual Shamanism?  What is real Hermetic Neo-Platonic Theosophy?  You do not have genuine or complete answers to these questions.  You are just trying to fudge it, to bluff through, to avoid in-depth research and realization.  You are not even half as serious about all this as you like to pretend to yourself and others.  Shall we proceed?


You have not even begun to unify your actual daily life with any significantly powerful and effective Higher Learning Process even in part in some aspect or particular dimension of it all.  Your inner work of real self-transformation is a silly farce.  You now have to admit to yourself that your evolutionary progress is stuck in the mud.  Shall we proceed?


You are now beginning to see why you have to read this article again and again from time to time in order to keep coming to real terms with yourself about what you are trying to do or realize.  Shall we proceed?




©2004 Kevalin Absoluto