Absolute Interactive
Finding Your Way In A Complex
And Difficult World

by Kevalin Absoluto

You are here reading this because you are looking for better answers.  And this is a good thing.  It is especially good because you need to search more extensively and ask more questions, which means that your higher intelligence can wake up more.


The awakening of higher intelligence will also enable you to develop an art of living, both in your work and your pleasures, as well as in your searching and studies, that will enable you to utilize every activity and event in your life as a boost in your learning and personal development.  You will no longer feel pressured, tense and combative.  Instead you will be relaxed and efficient.  Your life will flow rather than lurch.  Your awakening higher intelligence will give you real sanity, which implies that you will stop conforming to the insanity and shallowness of other people.  You will see a world of difference between conscious adjustment and unconscious conformity.  You will neither fight with your world nor succumb to its stupidity and low energy spiritual deadness.


When we are anxious and afraid about some negative trend in the world or when we feel intimidated by some threatening person or group of people, our main thought is how to either dominate the situation, or, if unable to do that, how to escape and get out of reach.  This fight-or-flight gut reaction then keeps churning in our mind as a self-contradicting madness and tension.  When threats appear, our basic sanity tends to get lost and we begin to self-destruct through indulging one or more of our bad habits, such as smoking, coffee-drinking, over-eating, watching sheer crap on the television for hours on end or chattering mindlessly with the superficial idiots in our life.  Whatever the personal strategy is, it always tries to push the anxiety and fear into the background.  If we can’t get rid of it, we try to cover it up.  So we miss the real cure, which would be to deeply reflect some wise self-questioning in our mind, such as, “Is it possible that the various threats I perceive are of exaggerated importance in my mind?  Do I myself misperceive the nature of reality of the threats?  Is there a deeply hidden connection between my view of the world and the kind of things that happen to me?  If I were to change my own view, would it change what happens to me?”  


If you have come this far, then you can now begin to learn something important about yourself that you have never known throughout your life.  Do you want to know what it is?  It is this:  when you were born as a human being on the planet Earth you lost something fantastic in yourself that does not come back for most people until they die.  This is why Yogis learn to die without dying, to suspend their outer consciousness and rise into higher dimensions of life and spirit.  They do that to retrieve the fantastic thing that was lost with becoming a physical embodied sensate consciousness of the material organism, the cognitive neurosystem of a human being.  You see, your physical body, whether it is dying or very youthful and vigorous, even immortal, is not what you think it is.  When you use your bodily senses and brain to assess the nature of your bodily senses and brain, you get a mistaken, inadequate view of what is really going on there.  The body and brain are not what they seem to themselves to be.  This is very fundamental and must be understood.  The body and brain are actually rather imaginary.  That is itself a good reason to learn to see the body and brain from other dimensions beyond the body and brain.  Do you understand this?


Real self-observation of your own being implies that you must experience yourself consciously and vividly in all the higher and hidden dimensions or realms of your existence.  This alone can give you correct perceptions of the real nature and meaning of your psychological states, such as grief, joy or other strong reactions to personal events.  When you try to understand your inner life when constantly locked into the physical body-and-brain perspective, too many habit-grooves of the cognitive neurosystem distort your consciousness and veil your total being.  It is like always trying to live your life in one tense, wretched and pathetic part of yourself that never sees the totality of yourself.  It is only the totality of yourself that can solve your problems.  Only the totality of yourself can in fact see what your problems really are.



©2005 Kevalin Absoluto