Absolute Interactive

The Distribution System of
Divine Intelligence

By Kevalin Absoluto 

          The attainment of the revelation and realization of Godself is not limited only to men and women conditioned in an advanced ancient tradition of the East, nor does it require that one becomes fluent in Sanskrit, Tibetan or Persian.  It is a fact, however, of some significance that Yoga found a home for its development for several millennia in the naturally protected remote sanctuaries of the Himalaya and neighbouring high mountain ranges of Tibet and Afghanistan. These lofty regions enabled the higher development of thousands of great souls in secret over time with a transmission that has gone forth into the outer world with a twentieth century culmination.  Useful techniques and teachings have been made available for wise seekers throughout the globe to take-up and adopt as best they can, which does not imply any exclusivity or culturally enclosed prejudice in true realizers of the Godself, nor a demand for all seekers of the higher development to take up identification with some particular Eastern culture and language.  The self-expansion of an Eastern cultural social ego is not Divine Self-Realization but rather constitutes the building up of a thicker veil of all-too-human pettiness and vanity.

          All teachings of wisdom that we may hear with our ears or read with our eyes from the whole variety of tribes and cultures - even from the races of other planets - are all channels of the distribution of Divine Intelligence and constitute the Cosmic rulership of the All-powerful Guiding Spirit of God.  This means that whoever or whatever you do or do not encounter in your spiritual quest is always perfect for you.  The perfect things are always happening for all who aspire to higher personal evolution.  Everything happens for the cleansing of the hearts and the awakening of the Spirits.  All is happening by Divine Necessity.  All must learn to trust in this and wake up more consciously as to how it really works.  Otherwise one becomes prey to occult envy and argumentative crankish frustration, which suffocate one's real potential and delay the progress for years or even the present lifetime.


          There are all sorts of pseudo-spiritual representatives of various tribes, cultures and traditions who want your exclusive commitment to their authoritarian identity in order to utilize your personal membership and resources for their own selfish aims.  They are the ones who emphatically insist on your identification with them exclusively as if they have a complete system for all peoples of all other cultures.  You must refuse to remain exclusively focused on anyone who deliberately lies to you or keeps you in the dark about deeply important issues that you intuitively know to question.  There are many false authorities in the spiritual field who are quite capable of manipulating you and injuring your inner life by impressing you in ways that should not impress you.  However, it is necessary to keep in mind that it is through the false and dark forces within yourself that false and dark forces can get you under some control to your own detriment, for darkness attracts darkness as like attracts like.  It is the embryonic vain manipulator within us that comes under the influence and power of a more mature vain manipulator.  This is why the members of cults are not victims but would-be cult leaders themselves.


          Love and Light are indispensably real and necessary Divine forces and radiations that uplift the human Spirit, but when these terms are trivialized, socialized and falsified through various advertisements and signs such as "Centre of Love and Light", you know you have yet another example of the human propensity to pretend, imitate and seek social expansion and membership.  Such situations are actually centres of vanity and ignorance.  This is a pervasive problem in the present Western nations of reactionary Christianity and technological atheism, which is a two-headed demon that rules America and Britain in particular, which have spawned more silly New Age cults than anywhere else on Earth.  So our real challenge here is to non-socially and quietly allow the Divine forces and radiations of Love and Light to come through us in a sincere and natural way without pretending anything.  It means we can get out in the sunshine and fresh air and actually see God and feel positive life-affirming joy.  This private experience is extremely important, but is not there to make our social spiritually important.  No one can see or breathe for another.  Sociological behaviour is a veil over spontaneous Divine presence of the Godself.


          The distribution system of Divine Intelligence is an invisible pattern above and beyond the social web of advertising so-called spirituality.  To connect with the truly life-giving pattern privately and secretly is what you really need to do.  Until then, all your e-mailing is nothing but the machinations of your frustrated worldly ego, even if it is ostensibly disguised by your so-called "spiritual quest" or "wanting to be of service".


©2004, 2003 Kevalin Absoluto