Absolute Interactive
Attention, Aspiration and Learning
by Kevalin Absoluto

          As a human being you will sometimes have a basic psychological urge to try and receive significant personal attention, encouragement or support in regard to what you believe is an important area of your own aspiration, knowledge or personal experience.  Unfortunately, this psychological need of your social self actually serves to inhibit or wholly block the emergent development of your Cosmic Self.  Seeking social attention is inappropriate for your evolutionary learning and development.  Therefore, if you are listening and willing to understand this, you will learn to fulfil your attention needs (whether to receive or give attention) outside the spiritual, esoteric or cosmic evolutionary field.  If you cannot learn this, then other more developmental learning and acquisition of higher ability will not take place, regardless of how spiritual or cosmic you imagine yourself to be.  When you mix your social need (for attention exchange) with your evolutionary aspiration, your energy and effort become centred in your social self to the detriment of your Cosmic Self and your genuine higher studies. 

          One of the reasons that seekers will cling to certain schools, traditions or supposed spiritual or esoteric authorities, is because their social self has been given some kind of a boost to get the adherence of the social self.  This can range from opportunities of meeting the opposite sex, a sense of social belonging to a community of special understanding, to achieving of flattery that one has had some important experience of a higher nature as a social self.  The problem here is that all too often there is an involvement with ritual, methodology, stories or teachings that may have had some temporary validity for some other people who have by now left the scene of evolutionary effort on the planet.  Because the teaching and its methods were designed for people with a different conditioning, language or cultural background, they cannot function for you as successfully, if they work at all, as for the people they were designed for.  So, the sad fact is that a pattern of belief and disbelief, of acceptance and rejection, has built itself up in your mind which prevents you from receiving the influences or hearing the teachings you need the most for your higher development or the realization of God or Cosmic Self.  As a result of your studies, conversations and attempted commitments or involvements, you are nowhere near to the “open-mindedness” you claim to have.  You are actually quite superficial, filled with hidden prejudices, and so blocked off as to be virtually unteachable in the hands of real teachers.  Thus, anything we might do to get you out of your present trap, whether it is a trap of adherence to an inadequate teacher or grouping or a trap of do-it-yourself pseudo-independence revolving around your imitation of one or more traditional teachings, will probably fail. 


          If you can suspend your assumptions about both yourself and the teachings you respect, there might be some hope of your extraction from socially confused aspiration and meaningless forms of adherence or self-concocted spiritual or esoteric routines.  This means you will learn to do some truly fresh thinking about your evolutionary predicament so that your Cosmic Self can awaken a viable intuition and centre of real inner guidance or direction within your being. 


          We also hope on your behalf that you are beginning to awaken to the fact that virtually all personal transformation seminars, networks of social groupings, as well as virtually all tribal or traditional schools of higher development, whether exotic or non-exotic, that have gotten into hands of socially centred human beings with ordinary social motives, have been altered beyond repair by the very social needs and cravings of the various influencers, leaders and aspirants who try to make use of them to fulfil their diverse aims.  In all too many cases, the leading so-called “authorities” are in it for the money, the fame or sexual exploitation.  If these lower motives in any way secretly dominate a situation, then there is no way to regenerate, renew or make real use of potentially useful teachings, methods or efforts. 


          Finally, we would like you to develop genuine insight into the principle of “natural hiddeness”.  What this means is that if you are truly an evolutionary human being on a path of genuine cosmic learning beyond all silly earthbound prejudices and social games, you are more likely to be recognized and viably connected with by an apparently unspiritual and uncostumed individual, whereas the self-styled “transformation” or “spiritual” person, often with a certain kind of special clothing or accessories, will tend to ignore you or even criticises you for failing to look up to them or join them in their social grouping or social concerns.  The people of ability are hidden from the people of appearances.  This is “natural hiddeness”.



©2004 Kevalin Absoluto