Absolute Interactive
Rising Beyond Useless Social Illusions
by Kevalin Absoluto

Your everyday mind continues to play tricks on you.  Face it that you continue to be dominated by social considerations about your particular rather superficial approach to evolutionary spiritual issues.  You are not diving deeply enough or privately enough to get to the point of it all.


Slow down!  This article is more important for your spiritual potential than you realize.  If you read all this too fast, you will never come to the crucial revolution or turn-around in your central orientation.  Instead of attaining to Primary Yoga of Self-realization, you will remain driven by your social ambitions and illusions about your social prospects as an influencing force in the world of mediocrity, degeneration and death.


What you need right now is infinitely more important than what you think other people or the world need.  Will you now become more serious and receptive to discover your need?  What is your real need at this critical crossroad of your destiny?


You are in no way being prevented or obstructed from direct experiences of Absolute Awareness of Being, which is the basis for Primary Yoga of Transformation.  It is wholly up to you whether you will focus these all-important necessities in and of Yourself or stupidly continue to allow your mind to endlessly wander in the wasteland of your usual social concerns, hopes and anxieties.


This Website, the Oracle and Articles here, are all designed to deal totally and thoroughly with any foolish problems you have about benefiting from all this.  You know, you can feel so wise and advanced that you lose your natural sense, your basically objective intelligence of self-assessment.  When you lose it in that way, you bite off more than you can chew and try to take on social projects or efforts that begin to eat and destroy your inner life.  This keeps you from gaining the full benefit of the Answers and Teachings on this Website.  Because of this learning disability in yourself, you are not properly managing any of your present physical, intellectual or spiritual resources that are already in your possession.


Before you finish with your present treatment of this Article, this Teaching, you are, yet again, strongly advised to slow down and purge your cognitive faculty of HISS (Hurried Insane Scanning Syndrome).  Reading to merely find out “what” is being said in order to label and categorize it is failure to fully receive and understand it.


Your own being is actually bottomless and topless.  To see these facts in yourself directly requires that you have the courage to rise beyond useless social illusions and go through the Great Gateway of Cosmic Inner Space.  Keeping yourself socially embedded in the world of sleep-walkers all around you and on the Web is just draining away your innermost potential, which keeps you entrapped in imitation spiritual development.  You must wake up before it’s too late!


When you leave your social influencing and attracting trips quietly behind you, you can do the profound meditation of passing through the Great Gateway of Cosmic Inner Space into the Vast Unknown.  That Unknown is something veiled from social man, shrouded sometimes by a somewhat terrifying context, but which is within the reach of a lone cosmic explorer.  Beyond that is the even more overwhelming Unknowable Being, the Absolute Self, the Unthinkable, the Inaccessible, the Indescribable, Who is never to be known by our Social Self, and yet that Being is there, dazzling and at the same time horrifying in its vastness, which is the fusion of Everything in a singularity, an Absolute Radiant Point, Kevalatejabindu.









©2007 Kevalin Absoluto